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Company 23. June 2020

Alcoa starts consultation with Works Council in Spain

Alcoa plans to begin a formal consultation with the Works Council for the collective dismissal of employees at its San Ciprián aluminium plant in Spain.

Alcoa plans to begin a formal consultation with the Works Council for the collective dismissal of employees at its San Ciprián aluminium plant in Spain.

Alcoa intends to begin the formal 30-day consultation period with the Works Council on 25 June 2020 to achieve the best possible outcome for the company and its workforce. The company envisions a restructuring for the aluminium plant that retains a portion of the casthouse in operation. A collective dismissal could potentially affect up to 534 employees of the aluminium plant. No final decisions will be made until the mandatory, formal consultation process is complete.


The aluminium smelter has incurred significant and recurring financial losses, which are expected to continue. The San Ciprián site has both an aluminium plant and alumina refinery. The San Ciprián alumina refinery is not affected by this formal consultation process.

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